Title: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
Author: James Patterson
Genre:Fiction, adventure, fantasy, mystery, and suspense.
"Warning: If you dare to read this story, you become part of the Experiment. I know that sounds a little mysterious, but it's all I can say right now."
Summary: 98% human, 2% avian, which is the only fact the six children know for sure. “Maximum Ride” is all about those six orphans: Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel. Two things they have in common is that they have different superpowers in which their names itself is the clue of what it is, and they all have wings on their back. Those children were part of an experiment in a laboratory called “The School”, where scientists were trying to mix the human race with other animals. A while after the six orphans escaped from the “The School”, one of them is kidnapped by the scientists from “The School”. Soon the leader of the six children which was called Max resolves to rescue the kidnapped girl named Angel. But Max soon realizes she will never be free from the scientists, because a microchip was inserted in her arm. Will she ever be able to escape from those crazy scientists?
Why did I choose "Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment" ?
The reason why I chose to write about this particular book is that the story line was simply different from all the books I've read in my life. All the details Patterson provides makes it easier for the reader to simulate the current action in the book. Everything you read seems so original and mysterious, that you just cant stop reading it. I just love the originality in Patterson's "Maximum Ride".
Recommendation: I would recommend this book to people of all ages, because it keeps the reader so intrigued that it's barely possible for you to put it down! Patterson will continue tricking you to think that what you are reading is the climax, while in reality he is still building that suspense inside you to guide you to the REAL climax of the story.
Other books written by Patterson: "When The Wind Blows", "The Lake House", and the sequel to " Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment", which are the following: "Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever", "Maximum Ride:Saving The World and Other Extreme Sports", and the final book, "Maximum Ride: The Final Warning".
:O Emily don't read my blog! I wrote about the sixth book in this series, so I don't want to ruin anything for you. You chose a great book! :)
ReplyDeleteEmily: I like the format of your blog! Your explanation is making me wanting to read Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment. Good Job :)